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6 Steps to Prepare for Deductible Season


Billing teams are presented with a unique set of challenges during the first few months of the year when deductibles reset. This time period is known as deductible season, and it’s common to see dips in revenue, slower collection speeds, and increased call volume from patients about their medical bills. With preparation, billing teams can empower practices to mitigate the obstacles associated with deductible season.

The guide includes: 

  • Challenges practices face during deductible season 
  • Six steps to help providers remain financially secure during the first quarter of the year 
  • One-page printout for billing teams to share with their practices (pro tip: tell your clients to keep this on their front desk)
  • Sample script and recommended messaging for practices' websites, which help create a positive patient experience

This guide was created in partnership with Jeff Hillam, owner and president of Red House Medical Billing.

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“The traditional way of doing billing is not going to cut it anymore, from both a profitability and technology standpoint. The time to get ahead of the curve is now.”

John Gwin, CEO
The Auctus Group

“I’ve never seen this much collection on patient balances.”

Diana El Masri, President
Elite Medical Billing

"Compliments to the organization for having the clearest explanation of billing due, dates, components and bits that I have ever seen. Please communicate to the folks doing the hard work on the non-medical side."

Dermatology Associates

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